Display and Promotion Ideas For Boutiques

Boutiques are in an exclusive position to really get creative with their displays and promotions. What might seem out of place or over the top in a traditional retail store can make a boutique interesting and unique. Use this fact to your advantage when you are creating your displays.

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Visual Merchandising with Mannequins

Visual merchandising is the art of using visual techniques to increase sales. We say that it is an art because of the imagination and creativity you can use to boost interest in your store. Visual merchandising can involve lighting, the use of space, signage, sales and promotional events, branding and much more.

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Smart Ways to Use Mannequins in Retail

Mannequins have been successfully utilized in the retail world for centuries. The word mannequin literally means little man. Well, these little men have been on display dating back past the 1700's, where wire-framed mannequins were used to displays costumes and other clothing items. Mannequins have been created out of all kinds of material, like wood, wax, wire, plaster, and even fabric. Regardless of which material is being used, the mannequin is here to stay as a retail store display.

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