Wholesale mannequins come in as many looks and styles as you can allow yourself to imagine. Each set of mannequins were developed with a different consumer group in mind, making it easy to find exactly what you need to create the display that you desire to make. Show off your vintage clothing line for women with adult female manikins, or present your new line of men's bathing suits with adult male manikins; they choice is yours, but it is important to remember that an attractive visual aid about how your consumers might look when wearing or using your products. Your display may even include an animal or a family pet.
Even with the framework of gender and age, you have lots of options. A modern establishment may be better suited for a contemporary mannequin with a bald head and no facial expressions, or even for a torso style mannequin that has no arms, legs, or head. Use these hanging mannequins as a replacement for your current space consuming full body mannequins. These modern pieces may be plain white or the shade of Caucasian flesh, or they may be glossy red or black, or shiny silver or bronze. When using modern colors, you release yourself from the burden of ensuring that you are properly representing all ethnic groups. African American and Indian consumers can feel that they are equally represented because your mannequins do not depict any given race.
Whether you are a retailer wishing to showcase some featured pieces of jewelry or you are a consumer who wishes to keep her jewelry organized and untangled, you will find that jewelry stand mannequins are pretty and functional. In stores, jewelry does not stand out on a full body mannequin. By using pretty little jewelry stand mannequins, you can show off your wares on eye contemporary eye catching displays instead of using sterile, boring plexiglass showcases. They come in a wide variety of designs, depicting pretty womanly figures with no heads. They come in formal gowns with streams of chiffon and detailed in beading and rhinestones, or in modern jackets and leggings that show off the beautiful figures given these mannequins.
It is important to note that not all mannequins were designed with fashion in mind. Realistic manikins are necessary to teach novices in the emergency medical fields to ensure they are ready in case of a real medical crisis. These come in all the forms that real people are found in. That means you can practice on a boy or a girl, an adult or a child. These training mannequins are realistic and are designed to allow you to practice CPR, the Heimlich maneuver, and so on. Some even have sound effects that replicate healthy and unhealthy heart and lung function so students can practice their diagnostic and treatment skills. Then, in the event of a true emergency, those trainees who have learned and practiced on these mannequins will be ready for action. These mannequins are for sale through suppliers that specialize in medical training equipment and supplies. Prices will vary according to the features you need.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6303183